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Water-Based Field & Athletic Track Cleaning
We combine pressure washing and vacuum extracting with AQUATRAX®, a unique machine designed to removed dirt and algae from polymeric athletic tracks and water-based hockey surfaces.
How does it work?
The machine applies pressured water jets to dislodge the dirt. A vacuum extraction system then removes the dirty water to a tank on the machine so that contaminants are not returned to the surface.
RePlay has cleaned over 43 Million Square Meters of tracks and water-based turf fields with AQUATRAX®.
Spring is here, which means so are your spring track & field hockey programs.
Time will be of the essence. Let us quickly ready your facility from winter’s wear and tear to get your facility and programs the head start they need for a successful season.
Now is the time!
Let RePlay get you set up for your spring season!
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